
Welcome to the homepage of the Virginia Blue Ridge Section of the American Chemical Society. The Section serves Alleghany, Amherst, Bedford, Botetourt, Campbell, Craig, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Henry, Montgomery, Pittsylvania, Pulaski, Roanoke, and Rockbridge Counties in Virginia, as well as Mercer County in West Virginia. Section Meetings are held monthly during the academic year, September through May, with no meeting in December.

Next Meeting

717th Meeting of the Virginia Blue Ridge Section, American Chemical Society

Panel Discussion of Student Affiliates and Faculty Advisors

  • Hosted by Virginia Western CC, Roanoke, Virginia.
  • Meeting Information
    • All meeting events will take place in the STEM Building at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke, Virginia.
    • Agenda for Tuesday, November 12, 2024
      • 6:00 to 6:30 PM - Meet and Greet with pizza and soft drinks.
      • 6:30 to 7:15 PM - Panel Discussion with Faculty Advisors
      • 7:15 to 7:45 PM - Connections and Networking Among Students
    • Those coming for dinner: Please RSVP before 5 PM on Friday, November 08 by sending email to Owen Lofthus olofthus@virginiawestern.edu). There is no meal charge or registration fee for this meeting – all meeting expenses are covered by the Local Section.

The Blue Ridge Chemist is our monthly newsletter. Information on joining the subscription list can be found at Blue Ridge Chemist. It may be of particular interest to those wishing to attend or looking for more details about our monthly Meetings.

Student Affiliate Chapters in the VBRS

Chemistry Departments Within the VBRS


  • I'm new to the area? How do I get information about the Blue Ridge Section?
    The easiest way to get a feel for our activities is to glance through back issues of our newsletter, the Blue Ridge Chemist. For a Newsletter subscription, send your request to Paul Deck, Dept. of Chemistry, Davidson Hall Room 480, Virginia Tech, 900 West Campus Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24061 or send an e-mail message to pdeck@vt.edu. . Additionally, we use an email list to help us keep in better contact with you (we will not sell or otherwise distribute names from this list to any other parties). If you wish to be part of this list and have not yet been contacted via email regarding this list, please send an email message to Paul Deck with your name and email address.

  • Do I need to be an active member of the ACS to participate?
    No. Almost all our speaker presentations at our meetings are open to the public and free of charge. They are intended as an opportunity to gather together those with a mutual interest in chemistry in particular and issues in science, technology, and engineering in general. Our meetings attract a wide gamut of attendees from academia, industry, and passionate citizen-scientists. The cost of the optional social hour and dinners preceding the speaker's presentation are reduced for students and retired ACS members. Part of the national ACS membership dues are funnelled back to the local sections to support local activities, so we would ask that you consider a professional or affiliate membership if appropriate.

  • What is an affiliate membership?
    An affiliate membership to the VBRS is available for technicians, high school chemistry teachers, and others who deal with chemistry in some way, but do not wish to become regular members of the ACS. The dues are only $5 a year (January - December). For further information please contact Jeremy Stegall, Eastman Chemical Company.